Monday, July 13, 2009

Hi all! this is my second time getting on a computer here in London, so I'm sorry for the lack of updates. they'll start again after saturday because i'll be back in carlisle. I can't describe everything we've done here, it's been absolutely amazing to see and hear what God is doing in this place. I've met so many incredible people and God has really revealed that he's the God of this world. the whole world. not just evansville, or even indiana, or the united states. but He's the God of England, and Europe, and the rest of the world and of all people no matter where you come from or what you've done.

Please pray for my team, that we will continue to have boldness to share our faith, and that we will see the world with the same love that saved us. Also, a specific request, I'm already having worries and feeling sad about leaving my team on saturday. God has blessed us with such joy and close fellowship so much, that I know I will miss it.

a quick story: one night i woke up from a terrible nightmare and continued to have them all night long. i woke up exhausted and talked to the other girls on my team and they had all had bad dreams as well. one girl who had been to the place we were going to that day said that she had always felt an evil over the place we were going. i felt as though the girls on the team had been attacked so that we would be tired. so when we were out, a man came up to me and asked if our group offered prayer. i said that we did, and asked him what i could pray for him. he said that he was having terrible nightmares. i told him about our group and he was interested and asked me what i thought it meant. i got to explain to him about spiritual warfare, but that we can have confidence in Jesus Christ. I was really excited to share the Gospel, but then he told me that he was already a believer and was even the piano player at his church. he just believed in the power of prayer, and the more people praying the better. Even though i didn't get to share the Gospel to an unbeliever, it was just a way of God reminding me that He overcame death, and will defeat evil in the end, and that if we pray and trust in Him, we can have that confidence.

well, have a great week! i'll probably update again saturday.


K-Bav said...

Thank you for sharing the nightmares story! Spiritual warfare is very, very real. I need to tell you about Turino. I can't wait to share stories at Teen Street!

Jenn said...

That is such a neat story...and it turns out that nightmares aren't always bad (or more like in the end they can lead to something good!)

I will continue to Pray for you!