I decided to make a top ten list of my favorite snacks, and I realized that each one has a story behind it. So, if you ever need to know what to get me for my birthday, Christmas, or any time you feel like being nice to me, these are always a great back up plan. Or ... plan A.
1. Cheetoes Puffs
2. Funyons
I have my sister-in-law and her sister to blame for this. I was introduced to these during our very first sleepover and they've been a movie night tradition ever since. I mean, who doesn't like onion flavored rings?? Also I'm pleased to share this love with Shaun and Gus from the TV show Psych.
3. Ben and Jerry's half baked
Once again, blaming the sister-in-law and sister duo. For introducing me to the fact that it's "okay" to pack in ice cream during movies. We'd each get pints for ourselves and this is the one I grew to love. It's half chocolate chip cookie dough, half chocolate brownie. Can it get any better?
4. Kettle Salt and vinegar chips
I'd have to say all my travels to England and Ireland did me in with salt and vinegar. I never thought I'd like vinegar for more than just the fact that you needed it to dye Easter eggs. But, alas, I can't get enough.

The classic Clayton family + Adrienne road trip essential. Any time I go on road trips with my best friend and her parents, we MUST have these.
6. Sqworms
I love sour gummi worms in general, but Sqworms have a special place in my heart. A friend from high school used to get them every day for lunch and for some reason, we thought that was hilarious. I just have a good association with these.
7. Happy Hippos / Koala Yummies
Aren't these the cutest?? Not only do they look good, they taste good. They're both similar, they have a sweet shell with nutella type stuff inside.

8. Toasted baguette with chevre and honey
Yeah, I just got super fancy. This is my likes-to-pretend-to-be-classy side coming out. My brother made these as an appetizer for my family once (he lived in France. enough said.) and taught me how to make them. Sounds like a weird combo, but I haven't found anyone who didn't like it.
9. Ritter Sport
First, I like chocolate. Second, I'm a sucker for variety. What better combination? My friend and I ate these like hotcakes in Germany and had to be sure to to try all kinds!
10. Toasted pita and hummus
Now my too-cool-for-school self coming out. My housemate Britani would make homemade hummus and it was the best. We started buying pita and toasting it to go with it, and it was awesome. Great appetizer at Mediterranean restaurants.
1 comment:
You bet baby!!!! Peanut butter M&M's. Have the tent airing out in the backyard. We need to go camping!
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