Saturday, July 24, 2010

five fun photos

(Don't forget you can click on the pictures to make them bigger!)

1. The Queen's Garden- Regent's Park
This is where we had our friend, Nathalie's, birthday party. Beautiful place for a picnic and definitely made me feel like I was in a high - society Jane Austen scenario.

2. The Dining Hall- Oxford, England
You might recognize this shot from Harry Potter as the Great Hall in Hogwarts castle.

3. Christ Church - Oxford, England
The courtyard featuring a well and a Olive tree.

4. The Tent - London, England
Made in 2010 by Hannah, Bianca, Adrienne, and Andrew, this tent features multiple multi-coloured sheets, flashlight lighting, and three couches inside! Ideal for scary stories and chocolate.

5. a cool castle that I can't remember the name of - near Carlisle, UK
The smaller part peaking over the hedge on the furthest left of the picture is Karen and John's house. It's the chauffeurs cottage of that castle. Since the castle is shut down, Karen and John's backyard is the castle's backyard. Best dinner ever.

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